Written by Stephen Grissom

“Whatever comes in a very abundant and cheap way in life, please recognize it, for that carries a most valuable treasure behind it.”

Some years ago a young woman came for Vasi Healing® 1 sessions. She was a college student in a demanding degree program. Her plan and goal were to finish her degree in a shorter span of time than usually allowed and then apply to graduate school. Because of this she carried a lot of tension and stress each day. A naturally cheerful and kind person, the daily grind had gotten to the point where she felt anxious much of the time.

Whenever stress arose, her abdominal pain, usually a dull hum, would increase. So would her blood pressure. The diagnosis of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) was confirmed some years prior to our meeting. It is a hormonal disorder, thought to emerge from both genetic and environmental factors, and she could find no relief. Having worked successfully with this disorder as well as endometriosis in the past, I knew she would need to make some changes in her life.

We know that hormonal imbalances can be improved to some degree with a change to a healthier diet and lifestyle. Meeting her for the first few sessions I quickly realized that achieving a change in diet would probably not happen. Fresh vegetables were an alien species to her. As for her daily routine, it was absolutely filled with school, study, work, and more study. Getting her to carve out some time for physical exercise was going to be a challenge as well. The goal, of course, was to help her lower her stress level so that her body and mind would be cleaner, lighter and a more receptive platform for the Vasi Healing sessions. Since lifestyle and diet adjustments would not be accepted, I had to find a novel approach, one uniquely suited to this particular young woman. 

Then I recalled something my teacher Palpandian had told me some years prior. We were not discussing healing or anything in particular when he began to explain the beauty of the obvious, the abundant, the common, and how these tiny moments are overlooked. Instead, we are always thinking about and reaching for the big things in life – the scarce or highest things we habitually think about while ignoring what is coming to us without effort throughout our days. The other component is how each thing we involve ourselves in has a particular attitude associated with it.

We go shopping and during that time we have a purchaser’s attitude. When we leave the store and return home we do some cleaning and then later some cooking. While cleaning we have a cleaner’s attitude and while cooking the attitude of a cook is needed and natural. Of course, we drop the attitude of purchaser, cleaner and cook as we leave each activity. We do not need to carry the attitude into the next activity. We can summon the attitude for any activity when necessary. But when we allow ourselves to constantly hang in the pursuit of a big or scarce thing, like the eventual goal of getting a law or doctor’s degree, the attitude doesn’t leave us for even a moment. Then something unnatural happens. The attitude crystallizes in us and becomes an identity. 

As an identity, a false sense of self begins to live inside. It is as if a police detective carries her attitude as an identity so that when she leaves her job and returns home to her family, she lives with them only as a detective and not as a mature, loving mother and wife. She would investigate who left the refrigerator door open with a cold and calculating manner. Everything with her family would be, “Hey, who did this? Why did you do this?” A singular approach to life like this dries out our natural capacity to enjoy and respond to the varying buffet of life’s events. This is living in stress and after it accumulates over time we adjust to this unnatural response. Then it is called anxiety. The same had happened to this young lady who always felt so much stress about completing her degree quickly. She simply never dissociated from that identity and immersed herself in the other activities and roles that Life likes to offer us each day. 

Those little activities, of driving around doing errands, putting away the groceries, sweeping the porch, are so common and obvious. Even more common and overlooked is the gap between activities that are sprinkled throughout our day. These moments demand nothing from us. Palpandian referred to all these as “cheap moments.” The value of seeing how we move from one small thing to another with a naturally corresponding attitude cannot be overstated. It is both appropriate and healthy to involve ourselves in life in this way. Obsessing about some big goal all the time isn’t necessary for its attainment. Instead, it drains us out of the present moment. It distracts from our life’s immediate now. Our deep desire and spirit for accomplishing what we wish toachieve, along with the obviously needed work are truly enough. 

What does all this have to do with the young lady suffering from PCOS? In my attempts to help her lower her stress levels it became obvious that she was hanging on to the student identity. Because of this, she wandered through her days and nights carrying this unnecessary burden. When out to eat with your boyfriend, what good is it to worry about the schoolwork you will do tomorrow? Can’t we just enjoy the ease of the present moment, gazing at the menu of the best Italian restaurant in town as we choose the pasta dish we’d like to have? Dwelling in activities that are not present by thinking about them reinforces the false student identity, when in fact we are in that very moment only a restaurant patron. We can easily assume the attitude of the present activity of choosing between the ziti or linguini.

Working with her in this way whenever we met for Vasi Healing treatments assisted her in loosening her attitude of straining to achieve every day. The treatments themselves give a deep, rich and lasting sense of relaxation, so the combined approach was very effective. Within a few weeks of treatment, while giving Amritha Kalai (One of the three therapeutic methods of Vasi Healing) it was obvious to me that she had achieved health. I felt her return to the “fetal state” in a very palpable and real way. At that moment I knew she was healed. 

Amritha Kalai2 is one of the primary three aspects of Vasi Healing and is known only by Palpandian’s lineage. The scope and efficacy of Amritha Kalai in healing are beyond ordinary logic and what is defined by physical laws. While I am not permitted to speak openly of its intricate nature, I can say that it holds the possibility of what can best be described as “miraculous healing.” 

And the young lady? Six months after our two weeks of treatments she returned to her physician for scans and the ovaries were now completely free of all cysts, her blood pressure and hemoglobin A1C were all normal without any medications. This was three years ago. Since that time she graduated in the time frame she had wished for and moved on to her graduate degree program.

I encourage you to be aware of and appreciate the “cheap moments” in your life!

Stephen Grissom is a practitioner of Siddha Vasi Healing®, a unique healing system of Stephen’s guru, Palpandian of Tiruvannamalai, India. As an Integrated Healing Platform of the unique Tamil Siddha lineage its scope makes possible healing for any disease of the human experience. More information can be found here.

Get Stephen’s book, “Rivulets of the Absolute” here.

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