We meet various types of people as we walk our path in life. Those who want to sincerely help us, those who don’t and those who promise to stand by us but leave our hand in the time of despair.
We cannot control how people treat us. We cannot control their choice of words or whether they speak truth or lies. We cannot control how they interpret our intention or if they aim to try to make us feel inferior or not. What others do, say or think towards us, we cannot change. And while we cannot change that, let us also keep in mind and heart, to not change ourselves, our hearts and our ability to love selflessly, to serve and to be candles of love to the world.
Deep in our heart, there is a need to give back to this world. To serve the less fortunate and offer words of love and kindness to others. So do just that. Heal those who are hurt with the power of love, the power of care and the power of who you are. Ignore (even in thoughts and feelings) the harsh words spoken about you. Maybe those who aimed to hurt you, did not understand your true intention. Maybe they did, yet chose to hurt you because they think that when they hurt you, they have control over your mind and heart. And that power to control you, takes away your freedom to choose, your freedom to love and serve. Your freedom of mental happiness. When we allow the pain that others inflict on us, to permeate through us and cause emotional and mental suffering, then we lose our ability and freedom to love unconditionally.
When others hurt us whether knowing or unknowing, we give them a portion of our time, our energy. And we then take away from us a portion of our life and our opportunity to serve and do good, during that time. Because instead of using that time to be productive, we use it to ponder on the “whys” and “how’s” of the pain they have inflicted upon you.
Use your time wisely. Help where you can, serve to the best of your ability and offer love in thoughts, words and actions to all you come into contact with. Good and bad people will walk into and out of your life, and let them. Allow the footprints of those who have loved you sincerely to be imprinted in your heart but allow your footprints of selflessness and pure love to be imprinted on those who have wronged you.
Be a candle and shine to the best of your ability, but shine brighter on those who have caused you pain, not to show off your success or selfless nature, but to light their path and guide them to also treat others with abundant love.
Author: Salona Surjoo (Maheshwari Mohanji) is a Mohanji Acharya, web designer and blogger. This article was first published on her blog, Love in Abundance.