Some topics are never outdated or out of focus. Some topics simply need to be brought up every now and then because we often tend to forget the basics and get carried away. Now more than ever is the moment to talk about unity and equality of all living beings on Earth. Now more than ever it’s important for us to overcome all the superficial and banal differences and unite as brothers that we are for the common goal of making this planet a better place or transiting to a new plane of existence, whatever floats your boat.
This may sound as a tautology, but it is essential to focus on the essence. I mean it. We need a form in order to express ourselves and to go through certain experiences. This body is our current form and this time and space is our setting. But understand one thing – deep in our core we are one and the same. Regardless of our race, nation, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, but also regardless of our species. Deep inside we are all pure soul matter, pure divine energy. This is something we need to ponder. Judging someone based on their skin colour is like judging an actor because of his role. We are not our skin colour, our chosen or assigned nation, our chosen or assigned sex or gender, our chosen or assigned religious denomination, none of the social constructs we burden ourselves with. Those are all just garments for the sake of the show, please understand that and do not make any of those constructs or belongings to certain groups centre or purpose of your life.
Imagine it like this.
A pearl is a pearl. It doesn’t matter if you find it in a black seashell or in a white seashell. A peal is a pearl. It doesn’t matter if you find it in a necklace, bracelet, vase, picture frame, chandelier, or a plate. A pearl is a pearl. And we all have our pearl souls within. What’s around is secondary. Indispensable on this plane of existence, yet secondary, and don’t you ever forget thatThe same goes for our animal friends.
Please understand that they are sentient beings who have emotions, and most importantly who have a soul. Oh, their pearls are so much brighter, at least in my eyes. If you cannot understand someone, it doesn’t mean they don’t talk or communicate. If they cannot express their fear and pain in a way you understand, it does not mean you should just ignore them and continue treating them as inanimate objects. Even inanimate objects need to be treated carefully and with respect. Of course, the first step towards respecting them and treating them right is to stop eating meat. Please, at least entertain the thought.
Some people find it more difficult than the others, but please understand that we do not need meat to survive. Please stop looking at a piece of meat on your plate as some abstract food of unknown or irrelevant origin. Please understand that it used to be alive, beautiful, warm creature, like yourself, or your cat or your dog. If you wouldn’t eat your pet, why eat any other animal?
Before, when people were hunting to survive, man indeed was a part of the cycle of nature, completely unaware that he was doing something wrong, just like any other predator in the wild. But nowadays, with the awareness we have, with all the information that is available to us, with an incredible variety of food, we have no reason whatsoever to continue the massacre against our fellow earthlings.
Please see the pearl within. Please see it in every being and act accordingly. We need to act as one, and in order to do so, we first need to realize we are one. Don’t let the form and appearance fool you, follow the guidance of your inner self. Polish that pearl inside, clean from all the dust and char and let it shine.
Author: Tijana Sladoje, (1989, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), is a spiritual seeker who loves writing, photography, learning languages and travelling, while never forgetting that the most important trip is the journey within.