Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is a sacred geometric pattern that sages of the Siddha Yoga lineage and their disciples have used to unravel secrets of the Universe for millennia. A diagram formed by interlocking 9 triangles radiating from a dot, it is a geometric pattern that, Advait Vedanta sages say, is the key to mastering the science of creation (of what you want) and destruction (of what you don’t want).
We cannot of course explain the majesty, supremacy and significance of the Sri Yantra in a write up but we will try shedding some light on this geometric pattern that most followers of the Sanatan Dharma are simply unaware of.
A small majority of the people that are well-acquainted with this spiritual geometric pattern are either associated with a yogi of the Siddha lineage, follow the Sri Vidya School of Tantra or are likely to be ardent devotees of Aadi Shakti, the Supreme Goddess.
Here, we shed light on some of the most amazing facts about Sri Yantra:
1. Sri Yantra represents the microcosmic level of the Universe as well as the human body.
Each circuit in Sri Yantra corresponds to one of the chakras in the human body. An ever rotating and expanding Sri Yantra represents the Universe.
2. ‘Aum’ sounded in tonoscope (an instrument used to create patterns corresponding to different sounds) creates a geometric pattern much similar to that of Sri Yantra.
Is that just a coincidence? Can’t be!
It was Dr Hans Jenny (a pioneer in the field of cymatics), who first established the correlation in the modern world. The sages had apparently reverse engineered the sacred sound of Aum to a geometrical form.
108 is believed to be the numeric representation of Aum and Sri Yantra, the visual representation.
3. The chakra is formed by superimposition of 5 downward triangles and 4 upright triangles; a combination of female and male principles.
The downward triangles represent the female principle, i.e. Shakti, and the upright triangles represent the male principle, i.e. Shiva.
All 9 interlocking triangles lead to a creation of 43 smaller triangles; each one of these represents a deity associated with a certain aspect of the existence.
4. Sri Chakra is said to represent the infinite power of the Goddess; it is the geometric form of the Goddess Herself.
5. It is not the creation of someone’s intellect or mere symbolic of Vedanta’s central lessons; the geometry, sages say, appeared to self-realized yogis in samadhi (peak meditative state).
6. Sri Yantra is worshipped or meditated upon in three forms – a 2D form and two 3D forms.
7. Sri Yantra is much like a pilgrimage for a yogi; with each step, the yogi ascends from the base towards the center, ultimately uniting with the Universe.
Shi Yantra maps a seeker’s spiritual journey from the earthly plane to final enlightenment; from the outer rectangles to the central dot, i.e. center of the Universe, the place of origin and unity where one merges with the supreme consciousness.
8. The mathematics involved in the creation of this geometrical calculation is so complex that mathematicians are often baffled how Vedic people could have done it without the knowledge of present day mathematics.
Pi, Phi, golden ratio or Fibonacci series – this geometric pattern known to the Vedic Sages for millennia has everything in it.
Computers can create such a pattern with great ease today but if someone were to do it on paper with no help from computers, it would take a lifetime of trials for a normal person! A common explanation given by some mathematicians is that Indians were good at utilizing their power of imagination.
9. For yogis, Sri Yantra is much like a tuning fork that helps connect them to the universal consciousness.
Sri Yantra, the sages say, is essentially like a machine that absorbs the cosmic energy. It is said to be the geometric representation of the most sacred sounds in the Universe.
10. The Sringeri Temple (335 km from Bangalore) has a perfect Sri Yantra.
It is the site of the first matha (center of religious studies) set up by Adi Shankaracharya.
Believers hold that having a Sri Yantra poster or its 2D form, i.e. a Meru, at home or business establishments can bring good luck and dilute the negative vibes. While commoners can do that, others can dive deeper and try meditating with Sri Yantra for direct experiences.
Note: Beware of television commercials that claim to be offering some miraculous Yantra.