The Awakening Times Magazine, inspired by Mohanji was founded in 2014. This year marks the 9th
anniversary of bringing forth a conscious magazine that we hope has inspired and uplifted our audience.
It is with great joy, we present this special printed edition in honor and celebration of Mohanji’s birth-
day, and of all Traditions, that have brought forth Truth and Light in service to humanity adding great
value to the world.
We as mere instruments are always amazed and more so with the contents of this issue as it has come to
light, in our humble gratitude, with a beautiful and wide spectrum of enlightening people that contrib-uted their unique stories. A beautiful tapestry is woven beyond what was even envisioned. The conver-sations and contributions of this most auspicious collection of stories and beings that have so generously told their tales will hopefully inspire you as a beautiful theme emerges. They have all walked and pioneered their paths, demanding they be true to themselves, no matter the circumstances, with unshakable faith and yes, Grace.
If you take something from the words you are holding in your hand then we will consider our job well
done, and that will be due unequivocally to Mohanji’s blessing, in honor of the example he sets. It is of-
fered in all humility in the hope that you will carry something of the grace and beauty of the people whose stories are herein told, and with this edition add something valuable to the world, something worth being in print.
Our sincere gratitude to everyone who had a hand in getting these words and pictures out into the world,the writers, the interviewees, the artists, the designers, the editors, the proofreaders, and the advisors.This magazine is a testament to your sincere dedication, herculean effort, and talent.
The Awakening Times Magazine, inspired by Mohanji was founded in 2014. This year marks the 9th
anniversary of bringing forth a conscious magazine that we hope has inspired and uplifted our audience.
It is with great joy, we present this special printed edition in honor and celebration of Mohanji’s birth-
day, and of all Traditions, that have brought forth Truth and Light in service to humanity adding great
value to the world.
We as mere instruments are always amazed and more so with the contents of this issue as it has come to
light, in our humble gratitude, with a beautiful and wide spectrum of enlightening people that contrib-uted their unique stories. A beautiful tapestry is woven beyond what was even envisioned. The conver-sations and contributions of this most auspicious collection of stories and beings that have so generously told their tales will hopefully inspire you as a beautiful theme emerges. They have all walked and pioneered their paths, demanding they be true to themselves, no matter the circumstances, with unshakable faith and yes, Grace.
If you take something from the words you are holding in your hand then we will consider our job well
done, and that will be due unequivocally to Mohanji’s blessing, in honor of the example he sets. It is of-
fered in all humility in the hope that you will carry something of the grace and beauty of the people whose stories are herein told, and with this edition add something valuable to the world, something worth being in print.
Our sincere gratitude to everyone who had a hand in getting these words and pictures out into the world,the writers, the interviewees, the artists, the designers, the editors, the proofreaders, and the advisors.This magazine is a testament to your sincere dedication, herculean effort, and talent.